Custom Energy Management Software Development

Transform your business with utility management software that champions efficiency, sustainability, and innovation. Our approach ensures your workflows become more fluid, your decision-making smarter, and your transition to a more cost-effective future smoother. Whether you aim to refine energy management, boost customer engagement, or overhaul your infrastructure, our expertise is the catalyst for your success.

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We build utility management solutions for

Diverse Industrial Service Companies

Serving a broad spectrum of the renewable energy sector, including solar, energy storage, and transmission businesses, we craft solutions that bolster operational cohesion, automate essential tasks, and refine workflows. Our expertise helps these companies excel by:

  • Enhancing operational integration for smoother processes
  • Automating key processes to reduce manual errors
  • Optimizing operations to concentrate on core activities

Renewable Energy Producers and Distributors

Understanding the needs of renewable energy producers and distributors, we deliver software that’s robust, scalable, and high-performing. Our utilities management solutions support:

  • Scalability to grow with your project sizes and complexity
  • Reliability to ensure continuous operation and energy distribution
  • Effective management and distribution of renewable energy

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Operators

For EV charging service providers, we develop advanced software solutions for comprehensive station management and analytics, offering:

  • Effective monitoring and management of EV charging stations
  • Real-time analytics on energy usage and billing
  • Automating operations to simplify processes and boost renewable energy use

Industrial Manufacturers

We empower industrial manufacturers with innovative, custom solutions designed to promote eco-friendliness, cost savings, and reduced environmental impact, through:

  • Cutting-edge solutions for sustainability and profitability
  • Eco-friendly practices to save costs and minimize environmental footprints
  • Innovative software for enhanced sustainability in manufacturing

Software development services we provide for energy industry

Custom domain-specific software development

We excel in delivering high-grade software development for the energy industry, including web and mobile platforms, to enable effective energy management through the internet and wireless sensor networks. Our expertise encompasses ERP and CRM systems, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as comprehensive asset and grid management solutions.

Process automation with RPA systems

BART Solutions’ skilled team navigates the full spectrum, from pinpointing automation processes and selecting optimal strategies to crafting efficient workflows and ensuring flawless implementation. We automate key functions like scheduling, dispatch, asset inspection, and invoice and billing management. Adopting RPA tools refines resource management and can significantly boost your company’s revenue.

Advanced Analytics and Data Engineering

Predictive analytics taps into the vast data produced by energy systems to forecast future performance, leading to improved operational costs. Our expertise in crafting big data algorithms allows us to detect significant patterns, enabling reliable predictions of energy production and usage trends. This strategy provides a smarter and more adaptive approach to handling energy demands.

Third-party integrations

Leveraging our deep expertise, we ensure reliable integrations with third-party APIs. We manage the entire process, from strategic planning and API creation to data alignment and continuous oversight. Benefit from seamless connections to providers and platforms, including AMI, GIS, SCADA, as well as metering and billing software. Experience robust security, minimize potential risks, and boost your business’s productivity.

Advanced utility management systems tailored to industry-specific needs

Energy management software solutions

In an era where efficiency and sustainability are at the forefront of industrial priorities, our cutting-edge energy management software solutions stand out by offering comprehensive tools designed to enhance operational efficiency, ensure cost-effectiveness, and support sustainable energy use across various sectors.

Utility tracking software

Benefit from precise energy cost and consumption tracking with our cloud-based utility tracking software, optimizing your energy management practices.

Energy portfolio management

Manage your entire energy portfolio more efficiently, significantly reducing costs and achieving a balance between energy needs and sustainability goals.

Utilities asset management

Improve your utility business’s asset management with software designed for accurate tracking, detailed documentation, and comprehensive performance monitoring.

Bespoke electric utility software

Unlock the full potential of your electric utility asset management with our custom software, designed to modernize your grid and simplify complex workflows. Expert software engineers help you upgrade network monitoring and reduce the time and resources spent on managing electrical power sources.

Improved grid & distribution management

Gain unparalleled visibility and control over your network with our Distribution Management Systems (DMS), optimizing workflows and securing reliability.

Accurate energy estimation software

Achieve fast and precise project estimations, facilitating better planning, resource allocation, and decision-making with our electrical estimating software.

Mobile apps for field work

Mobile applications provide field electricians with essential tools for service management and document handling, establishing efficiency and productivity anywhere, anytime.

Comprehensive wind energy platforms

The suite of services we provide encompasses the full spectrum of custom software solutions tailored for the wind energy sector. Our offerings include precise wind speed forecasting, innovative 3D farm modeling and visualization, as well as simulations for monitoring wind flow and energy output.

Innovative wind analysis tools

Access precise wind analysis software that delivers detailed insights into wind speed, turbulence, and environmental compliance. Benefit from critical data for informed strategic planning.

Dynamic wind monitoring systems

Utilize dynamic wind monitoring systems with graphical interfaces for instant data visualization. These user-friendly systems allow for effortless tracking and analysis of wind conditions, enhancing decision-making and operational agility.

Efficient wind turbine management software

Leverage comprehensive wind turbine management software that simplifies documentation, including building permits and efficiency calculations, and integrates seamlessly with SCADA systems.

State-of-art water management

We aim to transform water quality management and compliance, ensuring businesses oversee their water and wastewater needs. With advanced technologies and custom features, we offer vital benefits to reinforce management efficiency and regulatory adherence.

Uplifted water quality monitoring

Monitor water quality effortlessly, with platforms designed to track sampling activities, generate region-specific discharge monitoring reports (DMRs), and maintain continuous compliance with water and wastewater regulations.

Advanced quality analysis tools

Benefit from custom-programmed features for comprehensive water sample management, including pollutant detection, chemical analysis, and more, to ensure the highest standards of water quality.

Automated utility management

Embrace efficiency with cloud-based utility management software, automating tasks such as billing and invoicing, processing payments, and enabling mobile payment options to streamline your financial operations.

Tailored Solar Software Solutions

Our range of custom solar software solutions harnesses the latest in solar technology advancements — including solar heating, artificial photosynthesis, and photovoltaics — to offer unparalleled benefits in the design, construction, and management of solar assets. At bART Solutions we support sustainable and renewable solar energy initiatives and strive to deliver key advantages to your business.

Cutting-edge solar projects

Access detailed solar resource assessments and site-specific energy forecasts to optimize project planning and performance with our custom solar software development.

Solar energy management

Simplify project monitoring and energy usage tracking, while minimizing travel time and operational costs, through our tailored energy management software.

Optimized photovoltaic system management

Enhance your solar energy management with our photovoltaic software solutions, designed for high-efficiency PV system oversight, ensuring maximum performance and energy output.

All-round heat management systems

Our team offers specialized software solutions that transform heat management and monitoring across various systems. With deep industry knowledge, we create solutions that meet and exceed the demands of heating networks, individual heating units, and heating plants.

Utility mobile app solutions

Benefit from utility mobile apps designed for both field service technicians and consumers, featuring user-friendly interfaces, custom branding, and live updates for superior service delivery and user experience.

Advanced heating system design tools

Utilize energy management platforms integrated with renewable energy sources, offering advanced tools for database management, piping system modeling, and comprehensive system design capabilities.

Innovative heat monitoring software

Gain critical insights with heat monitoring software that tracks energy usage and climate conditions, seamlessly integrating with your existing metering infrastructure for improved energy efficiency and environmental stewardship.

Contemporary nuclear energy software

We craft nuclear energy software aimed to ensure productivity and safety of nuclear facilities. We provide all you need to automate and refine their processes across nuclear power plant planning, equipment design, spent fuel analysis, safety management, and operational analytics.

Streamlined quality & safety

Benefit from a robust Quality Management System (QMS) with features like Instrumentation & Control (I&C), enhancing nuclear safety and operational quality standards.

Precise nuclear analysis

Access comprehensive nuclear analysis software equipped with production-level runtime tracking and full plant transient analysis, enabling accurate decision-making and robust functioning.

Innovative power plant design tools

Utilize our custom design software with 3D modeling and visualization for material procurement, forecasting, testing, and compliance tracking, ensuring thorough planning and execution.

Pioneering innovations in energy management

Our commitment to innovation in the energy sector drives us to harness the power of advanced technologies, ensuring we assist you lead the way in adaptability, reliability, and sustainability.

Leveraging AI for smarter energy solutions

We integrate artificial intelligence to sift through data, unlocking valuable insights, identifying trends, and automating processes for aggregation and visualization. We design AI algorithms to support decision-making and reduce risks, and paving the way for more intelligent energy management.

Revolutionizing with the Internet of energy things

Our expertise extends to creating bespoke IoT-powered solutions for energy and utilities management. From conceptualization to execution — including architecture, networking, embedded systems, middleware, and software development — we provide full support to ensure flawless integration and operation.

Advancing with blockchain-based software

We utilize blockchain to revolutionize energy and utilities management, offering unmatched data security and auditability. Our blockchain solutions facilitate transparent tracking of energy origins and simplify the monitoring of transactions, providing transparency and performance across the lifecycle.

Innovating with robotics in energy sectors

Our robotic solutions are tailored for the energy, oil, and gas sectors, automating and optimizing the monitoring of remote sites, accessing hazardous areas safely, and providing precise progress assessments. These innovations allow for improved operations and unmatched safety, ensuring that your business stays at the forefront of the industry.

Transforming urban environments

Smart city software solutions

Smart city software transforms cities into interconnected, adaptive, and sustainable ecosystems. From traffic optimization and energy conservation to public safety and environmental monitoring, we pave the way for a future where technology and urban living coexist harmoniously.

Leading the charge in EV

Tailored to meet the unique demands of drivers and charging station operators, our apps offer intuitive navigation, real-time charging station availability, payment processing, and usage tracking. By focusing on user-friendly design and integrating the latest technologies, we ensure that managing EV charging is effortless for users.

Advanced meter reading software

Our custom meter reading software development uplifts utility management by transforming traditional meter reading into a highly efficient, error-free process. With features like automated meter reading (AMR), advanced data analytics, and user-centric designs, our apps accelerate billing cycles and foster energy conservation, improving the overall service experience.

Illuminating the future with smart streetlights

Our smart streetlight management system transforms urban lighting with intelligent automation, responding instantly to environmental and traffic changes. This approach not only slashes energy use and costs but also enhances safety, offering a scalable, green solution to modernize city lights in line with today’s sustainability objectives.

Our tech stack

Node JS
Java Script
React Native
Unity 3d
Dynamics 365
Power BI
Service Bus
Amazon SQS
Cloud Flare
Digital Ocean
SQL Server
Azure SQL

Why choose bART Solutions


Result-oriented team

Our team doesn’t just work on tasks; we focus on outcomes. We ensure every aspect of our solution is optimized for success.


Commitment to quality

Quality is at the heart of everything we do. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our consistently high ratings, with only 5-star reviews on Clutch.


Tailored approach

One size never fits all, especially in technology. Our team creates customized solutions that align perfectly with your business objectives and operational needs.


Diverse skill set

Our team comprises industry experts with a wide range of technical skills. This diversity lets us tackle complex projects and deliver innovative solutions across domains.

Industries we work with


Why is it essential for energy and utility companies to adopt sophisticated software systems?

Energy and utility sectors are navigating through complex challenges like managing data from remote meters, countering rising security risks, and adhering to stringent regulatory standards. In this dynamic environment, agility serves as a crucial competitive edge, enabling businesses to reshape their market presence and value proposition.
Our developers bring a wealth of industry-specific expertise, coupled with a collaborative approach to client engagements, fostering a deep understanding of the unique hurdles you face. This synergy allows us to offer insightful, tailored services that meet the high standards of the energy and utility domain.

What exactly is utilities software?

Utilities software refers to a suite of digital tools and solutions designed specifically for the utility industry, which includes electricity, water, gas, and other services. This software helps utility companies and providers manage their operations more efficiently, from the distribution of resources to customer billing and service management. Key features of utilities software often include:

  • Resource distribution management: Streamlining the process of distributing electricity, water, gas, etc., to ensure reliable service to customers.
  • Customer billing & account management: Automating billing processes and providing customers with easy access to their usage data and account information.
  • Asset management: Keeping track of physical and digital assets to optimize their use and maintenance.
  • Regulatory compliance: Ensuring that utility operations adhere to relevant laws and regulations.
  • Energy trading & risk management: Facilitating the buying, selling, and trading of utility resources, while managing the risks associated with market fluctuations.
  • Smart Grid & Smart Meter integration: Enabling advanced monitoring and management of the distribution network and individual consumption through smart technology.
How do energy management systems operate?

Energy management systems function by monitoring, regulating, and optimizing energy use across an organization. The operation typically unfolds through several key phases:

  1. The system begins by gathering your energy data, benchmarking it against market standards and current rates from the energy and gas markets. It can integrate with sensors to measure consumption directly, correlating technical data with financial aspects like billing and contractual obligations for a comprehensive energy overview.
  2. Next, it identifies potential savings by pinpointing inefficiencies and estimating the savings achievable through various measures, such as equipment upgrades or enhancing insulation, thereby revealing areas of excess energy use and opportunities for cost reduction.
  3. Following this, it assists in formulating and enacting strategies for energy conservation.
  4. The system monitors the effectiveness of these strategies, providing feedback on the outcomes.
  5. The cycle recommences with the system seeking additional savings opportunities, ensuring continuous improvement in energy efficiency.
What are the types of energy management software?

Implementing a tailored energy management solution is crucial for contemporary manufacturing entities and organizations with significant energy consumption. The market offers various software solutions designed to gather, analyze, and report energy data efficiently.

Prominent types include:

Energy Management System (EMS)
EMS is widely recognized for its capability to monitor energy consumption within a facility, aiming to furnish energy managers and building operators with valuable insights into energy utilization. Advanced versions of these systems can even monitor energy usage at the device level, alerting to unusual energy consumption patterns.

Sustainability software 
The growing need for businesses to disclose their sustainability efforts has led to the development of sustainability software. This software simplifies the collection of data on emissions, water usage, energy consumption, waste management, and social impacts. While it offers comprehensive insights into sustainability metrics, its focus is not exclusively on energy, often resulting in limited integration capabilities and a higher need for manual data input compared to EMS.

Renewable energy monitoring software 
With the increasing commitment of businesses worldwide to combat climate change, renewable energy monitoring software has surged in popularity. These applications provide precise data on renewable energy usage and associated emissions, although they may not cover non-energy-related information required for comprehensive reporting.

How does energy tracking software benefit businesses?

Energy tracking software offers a range of benefits designed to optimize workflows, reduce costs, and promote environmental sustainability. Here are some key advantages:

  • Cost reduction: By monitoring energy consumption patterns, businesses can identify and eliminate wasteful energy usage, leading to significant cost savings.
  • Sustainability goals: Companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint can use energy tracking software to monitor and report on their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, supporting sustainability initiatives.
  • Data-driven decisions: With access to detailed energy usage data, businesses can make informed decisions about energy management, investment in energy-efficient technologies, and other strategic moves.
  • Compliance & reporting: Energy tracking software simplifies compliance with energy regulations and standards by automating data collection and reporting processes.
  • Enhanced reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability can improve a company’s image among consumers, investors, and regulatory bodies.
What advantages does asset management software offer to utility companies?

Asset management software for utilities provides a comprehensive solution for monitoring and managing the extensive array of assets within a utility’s operations. Key benefits include real-time visibility into asset performance and health, predictive maintenance capabilities to prevent equipment failures, streamlined regulatory compliance processes, and improved decision-making based on accurate, up-to-date asset data. By implementing such a system, utility companies can ensure a more reliable service to their customers, extend the life of their assets, and optimize their investment in infrastructure.

What factors should I consider when selecting a partner from utility software companies?

When choosing a utility software provider, consider their expertise in the energy sector, the scalability and flexibility of their solutions, customer support quality, and the innovation they bring to their products. Look for a provider with a proven track record of delivering robust, reliable, and user-friendly software solutions tailored to the unique needs of the utility industry.
Our company stands out due to our comprehensive industry knowledge, reliable software solutions, exceptional customer support, and a commitment to innovation and sustainability. By choosing us you’re cooperating with a leader in utility software solutions dedicated to advancing your utility operations and achieving your business goals.

What is your approach to creating an energy management system?

Our process begins with a deep dive into understanding your organization and the specific challenges you aim to address with the software. This initial phase helps us grasp the system’s required functionality and overall scope. Following this, our experts design the software’s architecture and outline a detailed development plan, including milestones, time estimates, and the team needed for the project. We also assist in defining use cases, business logic, and designing the user interface. Once the design phase is complete, including wireframes and prototypes, our development team takes over. Our in-house expertise spans the entire spectrum required for comprehensive software development, including front-end and back-end development, artificial intelligence, quality assurance, business intelligence consulting, and more. Throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC) and beyond, we ensure thorough support, maintenance, and updates to keep the system running smoothly and efficiently.

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