Mobile Application Development

We focus on developing mobile solutions that are as functional as captivating, ensuring your business stands out. With our team by your side, you’re set to launch your app into the market with speed, precision, and excellence.

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Convert your ideas into impact with our mobile development services

Native iOS app development

Our mobile engineers create stunning, high-performing native apps tailored for the iOS ecosystem. We ensure your app meets the rigorous App Store’s criteria and delivers a flawless experience across Apple devices, with a focus on both impeccable code and design.

Native Android app development

Leveraging the versatility of Android, our team crafts applications that stand out in the Google Play Store and excel in performance on a wide array of Android devices. Java and Kotlin
We blend efficiency with functionality, reaching a wider audience without compromising quality.

Cross-platform app development

We offer cross-platform development services for businesses looking for a cost-effective way to reach a broader audience. Hybrid apps run on multiple platforms using a single codebase, reducing development time and costs. Using frameworks such as React Native and Flutter, we ensure your app delivers a consistent experience on both iOS and Android.

Progressive web application development

Our mobile developers create Progressive Web Apps that bridge web and mobile worlds. We design PWAs to be fast, reliable, and engaging, providing an app-like functionality directly from a web browser. We also implement push notifications to enhance user engagement.

Mobile app modernization

Our services include updating and refining your existing mobile apps. We infuse new life into your app with the latest features, design trends, and performance optimizations, so it stays relevant and competitive.

Integrations for mobile apps

We extend the functionality of your mobile apps through strategic integrations with third-party services, AI models, and IoT devices. From wearable tech to external databases, our solutions provide seamless connectivity and enriched user experience, keeping users engaged and informed on the go.

Mobile app testing and QA

Quality assurance is key in our mobile development process. We apply exhaustive testing protocols that cover functionality, usability, performance, and compatibility. By blending automated and manual testing and using continuous integration, we quickly identify and resolve issues, ensuring your mobile app is robust, secure, and ready for market launch.

Overcome your digital challenges with custom mobile development

Ensure platform compatibility

We solve the issue of making apps compatible across different platforms and devices. Our mobile development services cover cross-platform app development, as well as native iOS and Android app development, ensuring optimal performance and user experience across devices.

Adapt to market trends

We help businesses stay ahead in the rapidly evolving mobile landscape by incorporating the latest trends and technologies in our mobile app development, from AR/VR integration to AI-powered features.

Optimize the app’s performance

Our apps are engineered to withstand high user loads, remaining stable and reliable during peak usage. We fine-tune every aspect – from streamlining code to optimizing server interactions – so your app delivers lightning-fast responses and smooth functionality.

Accelerate market entry

Our goal is to fast-track the launch of your mobile app without sacrificing quality or functionality. An iterative approach combined with efficient project management allows us to expedite the mobile development process – from ideation to final deployment.

Why choose bART Solutions


Result-oriented team

Our team doesn’t just work on tasks; we focus on outcomes. We ensure every aspect of our solution is optimized for success.


Commitment to quality

Quality is at the heart of everything we do. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our consistently high ratings, with only 5-star reviews on Clutch.


Tailored approach

One size never fits all, especially in technology. Our team creates customized solutions that align perfectly with your business objectives and operational needs.


Diverse skill set

Our team comprises industry experts with a wide range of technical skills. This diversity lets us tackle complex projects and deliver innovative solutions across domains.

Our tech stack

Node JS
Java Script
React Native
Unity 3d
Dynamics 365
Power BI
Service Bus
Amazon SQS
Cloud Flare
Digital Ocean
SQL Server
Azure SQL

Our cooperation models


Time & material

Ideal for projects where requirements evolve, this cooperation model ensures you only pay for the time and resources used. It’s all about adaptability and transparency, giving you control over the project’s scope and budget adjustments as needed. Perfect for dynamic projects that require a flexible approach.


Dedicated team

A dedicated team is best for long-term projects that need focused attention. A managed team of our IT experts extends your in-house team, sharing your vision, values, and mindset. This cooperation model offers stability, deep integration with your processes, and consistent output, aligning with your strategic goals.


Fixed price

Choose this model for well-defined projects with clear deliverables and timelines. You get a clear upfront cost, ensuring your project stays on budget without surprises. It is ideal for projects with a well-defined scope and ready-made technical documentation.

Project development lifecycle

Here’s where we dive deep into your business needs. We talk about the challenges you face, look at your requirements, and align on expectations. This phase is all about understanding the scope and preparing for lift-off. Once we’re on the same page, we seal the deal with a contract and assemble a team with matching expertise.

Depending on your project needs, we conduct a Discovery Phase or audit your existing product. Our goal is to reveal every layer of your project’s potential and constraints. We meticulously analyze what’s already there or what needs to be built, ensuring no stone is left unturned. This process is about piecing together a detailed and comprehensive blueprint of your project.

We start working on the project, making sure you’re in the loop at every stage. You’ll get regular updates, reports, and insights into every decision we make. We set success criteria, pinpoint potential risks, and map out a timeline and resource plan as ambitious as achievable.

This is where our team’s skills and your vision come together. Our development process is a dynamic mix of coding, designing, testing, and strategizing. We ensure every software element aligns with the agreed-upon goals. We maintain a continuous feedback loop with you, so the project evolves in line with your expectations.

Launch day is just the first chapter of your product’s journey. Post-launch, our focus shifts to maintenance and continuous improvement. We integrate user feedback, enhance usability, and add killer features to keep your software thriving. We’re committed to evolving your product, ensuring it doesn’t just meet the market but leads it.


How long does it take to develop a mobile app?

The mobile app development time varies depending on the complexity of the app, the feature set, and specific client requirements. Rough estimates range from 3-4 months for simple apps to 9+ months for complex mobile apps. Once we understand your needs, we can provide a more accurate timeline for your project.

Do you offer post-launch support and maintenance?

Yes, we offer comprehensive post-launch support and maintenance services to ensure your app remains up-to-date, runs smoothly, and adapts to new requirements or market changes.

How do you handle data security in mobile apps?

Data security is a top priority. We implement the latest security protocols, including data encryption, secure APIs, and compliance with data protection regulations, to safeguard sensitive information.

Can you help with app store submission and compliance?

Sure! Our mobile developers assist with the entire submission process, including meeting App Store and Play Store guidelines, preparing listing information, and ensuring compliance for a smooth approval process.

How do you approach UI/UX design for mobile apps?

Our design approach focuses on creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces. We conduct user research and follow the best UI/UX design practices to ensure a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

Can you provide a dedicated team for my mobile app project?

Indeed, we can allocate a dedicated team to work exclusively on your project, ensuring focused attention and quicker turnaround times.

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