eCommerce Development Services

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Our eCommerce app development services

Custom eCommerce development

Leverage our eCommerce website development services to create a unique and fully customized online store. We develop e-commerce software that perfectly balances stunning UI, personalized customer journeys, and high conversion potential. Our service includes personalized design, development, and implementation, transforming casual browsers into loyal brand advocates that drive your business growth.

eCommerce consulting

Devise effective solutions for customer engagement, sales optimization, and long-term growth in the eCommerce space with bART Solutions. Our team provides expert guidance and strategic planning for businesses venturing into eCommerce or looking to improve their existing solutions. Our eCommerce developers will help you gather insights on market trends, analyze customer behavior, and implement best practices in online retail.

Headless commerce development

Headless commerce solutions let you separate the front-end presentation layer from the back-end functionality. Our eCommerce web developers cover headless commerce development and re-platforming for greater flexibility, scalability, and customization in creating unique user experiences across devices and platforms. We connect your store with third-party services and tools via APIs and test its critical elements to ensure impeccable performance.

Platform-based eCommerce development

Craft custom eCommerce solutions based on Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and other popular eCommerce platforms. This approach is ideal if you’re looking for reliable, scalable, and feature-rich eCommerce software development without breaking the bank. We offer customization, theme development, and functionality enhancements to ensure your platform-based store fully meets your business requirements.

eCommerce integrations

Seamlessly integrate essential tools and applications into your existing system. We improve and extend your eCommerce platform’s functionality, ensuring it works in harmony with other apps. Our eCommerce developers integrate payment gateways, CRM systems, analytics tools, shipping providers, email marketing, AI and ML solutions, POS systems and set up frictionless data synchronization across all systems.

eCommerce migration & optimization

Migrate your existing eCommerce store to a more robust and scalable platform without losing data integrity and operational uptime. Our eCommerce web developers handle the full-cycle migration and optimization, including cloud migration, re-platforming, code refactoring, and UI/UX modernization. Enhance your eCommerce site performance, deliver a better user experience, and achieve higher sales conversion.

eCommerce solutions we provide

Mobile eCommerce apps

Mobile shopping makes up to 60% of all eCommerce sales worldwide, so it’s vital to tap into the growing mobile shopper demographic. Our eCommerce developers create user-friendly and feature-rich eCommerce apps that provide a seamless shopping experience with easy navigation, secure payment options, and personalized content. Whether for iOS or Android, we ensure your store is accessible anytime, anywhere.


Our eCommerce web developers create functional multi-vendor platforms, providing a customizable and engaging shopping environment for marketplace owners, vendors, and customers. We develop multi-language and multi-currency marketplaces that offer an enjoyable selling and buying experience, with tools that attract visitors and convert them into loyal customers.

B2C stores

We build consumer-focused online stores that cater to the direct needs of end-users. Our B2C eCommerce solutions are designed to attract and retain customers with user-friendly interfaces, personalized shopping experiences, integrated payment processing, and effective marketing tools. We emphasize creating engaging, visually appealing, easy-to-navigate online stores that drive sales and foster brand loyalty.

B2B stores

Our team develops robust B2B eCommerce platforms that streamline interactions between your business and its partners, vendors, and clients, accelerating high-volume sales. We craft B2B solutions to support complex business processes, offering differentiated contract pricing, specialized catalogs, streamlined order and inventory management, and efficient handling of bulk orders and split shipments.

Bidding websites

Our eCommerce experts implement interactive bidding websites for auction-based sales, providing a transparent and engaging bidding process for sellers and buyers. Features include real-time bidding updates, secure payment processing, user-friendly interfaces, and robust administrative controls to manage auctions effectively.

AR solutions

We take online shopping to the next level with integrated augmented reality (AR) features that deliver in-store experience to eCommerce customers. These features include virtual tryouts and fitting rooms, 3D product visualization, AR product catalogs, and virtual replicas of real-world stores.

Benefits of custom eCommerce solutions

Grow sales

Elevate your sales game with software tailored to eCommerce business. Tap into new markets, reach a broader audience, and automate sales funnels with mobile and web applications.

Optimize workflows

Streamline every aspect of your operations. Automate routine tasks, integrate various business functions, and facilitate smoother communication across departments.

Reduce spending

Cut costs without cutting corners. Implement eCommerce software with detailed insights into your spending patterns, identify inefficiencies, and suggest areas for cost reduction.

Create omnichannel customer experience

Bridge the gap between online and offline with omnichannel solutions. Develop software that syncs brick-and-mortar stores with your online presence, offering a unified shopping experience.

Personalize offers and loyalty programs 

Leverage data analytics and AI to create tailored marketing campaigns and loyalty programs that resonate with individual customer preferences and foster long-term loyalty.

Leverage consumer insights

Employ data analytics to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and buying patterns to uplevel your business strategies and market reach.

Why choose bART Solutions


Result-oriented team

Our team doesn’t just work on tasks; we focus on outcomes. We ensure every aspect of our solution is optimized for success.


Commitment to quality

Quality is at the heart of everything we do. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our consistently high ratings, with only 5-star reviews on Clutch.


Tailored approach

One size never fits all, especially in technology. Our team creates customized solutions that align perfectly with your business objectives and operational needs.


Diverse skill set

Our team comprises industry experts with a wide range of technical skills. This diversity lets us tackle complex projects and deliver innovative solutions across domains.


How can your services help grow my eCommerce business?

Our eCommerce developers create custom eCommerce solutions that improve customer engagement, streamline operations, optimize workflows, and boost sales. By leveraging the latest technologies, we help you build a seamless omnichannel experience for your customers.

What is your approach to eCommerce development?

We develop eCommerce platforms that are not only visually appealing but also user-friendly, scalable, and conversion-optimized. Our approach includes understanding your business needs, market trends, and customer behavior to deliver a tailored solution.

How do you ensure eCommerce software is user-friendly and meets our customers' needs?

Our new development process involves product discovery with extensive user research and analysis. Once we define and prioritize the software’s functionality, our UI/UX designers craft wireframes and interactive prototypes so you can see how your software works before we kick off the development phase.

What is your experience in marketplace development?

Our team is well-versed in developing multi-vendor marketplaces that are secure, efficient, and scalable. Calor is one of our latest marketplace projects, offering users a custom shoe constructor and an intuitive control panel for merchants.

Can you assist in digital transformation for traditional retail businesses?

Yes, we specialize in digital transformation and help traditional retail businesses transition to the digital space efficiently, ensuring a smooth and effective digital adoption.

How do you align your software solutions with our business objectives?

We begin by understanding your business goals and challenges. This insight guides our development process, ensuring the final product aligns with your strategic objectives and contributes to your business growth.

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