Optimizing recycling efforts through intuitive mobile app & community involvement

React Angular 10+ Microsoft .Net
Energy and Utilities Energy and Utilities

Our client, driven by a commitment to environmental sustainability, identified a critical gap in public engagement with recycling efforts. Knowing that effective change begins at the individual level, they decided to leverage technology to foster a more informed and proactive community around recycling. The result was the development of ‘Zerow,’ a comprehensive mobile application designed to clarify recycling practices, facilitate easy sorting of recyclables, and connect users with their nearest recycling facilities.

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Our client recognized that despite growing awareness of environmental issues, public engagement in recycling was minimal. Many people saw recycling as the government’s responsibility, not their own, mainly due to a lack of accessible recycling centers and knowledge of recycling protocols.

“Zerow” was developed to make recycling more accessible for the average user. The app educates users on sorting recyclables and locates nearby recycling facilities, transforming recycling from a complex task into a simple, daily activity. This project empowers individuals to actively contribute to environmental protection, streamlining the process without complicating their lives.


Product Discovery
Custom Software Development

Mobile Development
Testing & QA

Our Solution

In tackling the challenges of limited public engagement in recycling, our solution was informed by extensive user research. We analyzed over 15 analogous applications, identifying a common shortfall in categorizing garbage, which led us to develop “Zerow.” Our research also involved interviewing over 30 participants about their recycling habits, confirming that insufficient recycling centers and a lack of knowledge on recycling rules were significant barriers to participation.

“Zerow” streamlines the recycling process through an intuitive user interface that simplifies the categorization and management of recyclables. The app educates users on how to sort items and identifies nearby recycling facilities, transforming recycling from an overwhelming task into a simple, everyday activity. It features a categorization system, comprehensive guidelines on ecological practices, and a mapping tool to locate the closest recycling centers—innovations inspired by insights from our research.

Concept development

During the concept development phase of “Zerow,” we concentrated on integrating the specific needs of our target users into a clear, actionable vision guiding the app’s design and functionality. Through collaborative brainstorming and applying iterative design thinking, we honed our strategy, incorporating user feedback at every step.

This process guaranteed that the app would meet the immediate needs of individuals aiming to enhance their recycling habits while staying in tune with the latest environmental trends and technological developments.

Advanced data encryption

Ensures user data security and privacy with state-of-the-art encryption protocols for all in-app activities, including personal information submission and location sharing. This feature builds trust by safeguarding users’ details against unauthorized access.

Real-time database synchronization

Incorporates real-time database synchronization to ensure that information on recycling centers, categories, and user profiles is consistently updated across all devices. This maintains the accuracy and reliability of app data for seamless user experiences.

Responsive mobile interface

The app is developed with a responsive design, optimizing its layout and performance across various mobile devices and screen sizes. This guarantees a smooth and engaging user interface, enhancing accessibility and user satisfaction.

API integration with recycling centers

Features seamless API integration with recycling centers’ systems, facilitating direct communication and data exchange. This integration supports the app’s functionality in providing accurate, up-to-date information on recycling facilities and their services.

Intuitive recycling categorization

Utilizes advanced algorithms to simplify the classification of recyclables, making it easy for users to identify which items belong to specific recycling categories. This feature encourages more consistent recycling efforts.

Seamless integration with recycling centers

Connects directly with databases of local recycling centers, providing users with real-time information on locations, operating hours, and accepted recyclables. This integration ensures that users can efficiently find and access recycling facilities.

Personalized user dashboard

Offers a customizable dashboard that tracks individual recycling habits, suggests improvements, and rewards consistent behavior. Personalized approach motivates users to increase their recycling efforts by providing tangible feedback on their impact.

Interactive map & navigation

Allows users to locate nearby recycling centers and plot the most efficient routes directly within the app. This tool simplifies the search process and encourages users to visit recycling centers by providing clear, turn-by-turn navigation, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Educational resources & tips

Provides an extensive library of educational materials on recycling best practices, sorting guidelines, and the importance of recycling for environmental conservation. It increases awareness and knowledge among users, fostering a deeper commitment to recycling.

Event & service ticketing

Introduces a convenient booking system for users to purchase tickets to recycling-related events or services, such as workshops, seminars, and collection drives. This encourages greater community involvement in recycling initiatives by streamlining access to relevant activities.


Intuitive recycling categorization

Utilizes advanced algorithms to simplify the classification of recyclables, making it easy for users to identify which items belong to specific recycling categories. This feature encourages more consistent recycling efforts.

Seamless integration with recycling centers

Connects directly with databases of local recycling centers, providing users with real-time information on locations, operating hours, and accepted recyclables. This integration ensures that users can efficiently find and access recycling facilities.

Personalized user dashboard

Offers a customizable dashboard that tracks individual recycling habits, suggests improvements, and rewards consistent behavior. Personalized approach motivates users to increase their recycling efforts by providing tangible feedback on their impact.

Interactive map & navigation

Allows users to locate nearby recycling centers and plot the most efficient routes directly within the app. This tool simplifies the search process and encourages users to visit recycling centers by providing clear, turn-by-turn navigation, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Educational resources & tips

Provides an extensive library of educational materials on recycling best practices, sorting guidelines, and the importance of recycling for environmental conservation. It increases awareness and knowledge among users, fostering a deeper commitment to recycling.

Event & service ticketing

Introduces a convenient booking system for users to purchase tickets to recycling-related events or services, such as workshops, seminars, and collection drives. This encourages greater community involvement in recycling initiatives by streamlining access to relevant activities.